Thursday, June 18, 2015

How Natural Evolution and Artificial Design Differ

Natural Evolution
Nature never has any preset design for anything but allows evolution of living organisms in accordance to their prevailing circumstances with the purpose of adaptation. Converse to this, human intellect first conceives a design for something in accordance to prevailing conditions of usage and then constructs it accordingly. So, the inducing factors behind an evolution and construction are different. The constructed things may be made for any type of existing or future, natural or fictitious conditions while the evolution works only for prevailing circumstance. However these may be artificially created.
In evolution, the thing adjusts to circumstances by itself, hence is applicable to living-beings only while a designed thing is non-living though it may imitate animation. Here in this article, I am to examine the two processes for their contribution to evolution and development of human civilization, naturally and artificially.
Artificial Design

Circumstantial and Conditioned

Evolution takes place depending on circumstances while for a construction, conditions of usage are studied and the design is prepared accordingly. Circumstances are that prevail at the particular time and place, therefore evolution is subject to particular time and place. For this reason, a number of living organisms may evolve into different things at different times and at different places.
For a design, human intellect does not limit itself to particular circumstances at a place or time but may perceive quite differing conditions for the usage of the thing, prepares design accordingly and then constructs the thing as per the preconceived design. Therefore, evolution is circumstantial while the design is conditioned.

Living and non-living Things

Evolution process generally takes place on its own in a living organism through its response to the prevailing circumstances. Such things can’t be designed and constructed, at least with the knowledge we have till date. The form and structure of a living organism, for this reason, does not remain stable over time but keep on evolving to adapt to the prevailing circumstances.
However, with imposition of artificially imposed conditions on a living organism, it may be made to respond to these and evolve accordingly. This is the process how human intellect has been forced to evolve over time to the high level it is today. Artificially imposed norms of human civilization on the intellect have been forcing it to keep on evolving gradually and regularly since the time when humans decided to settle at fixed places and develop themselves in to civilized societies. The process of evolution continues through generations of living organisms due to passage of genetic information from one generation to the next. The process of evolution is usually slow needing time through some generations of the organism.
Non-living passive things may be designed to suit any perceived conditions and then constructed. Since, these have no capability of responding on their own to given circumstances, their forms and structures remain stable and there are no natural generation links hence information inheritance.

Evolved Design

It is not that human intellect can’t evolve anything as nature keeps on evolving living organisms. I began constructing my home without any design or pre-conceived notion. It began with the existence of a 8-feet diameter underground chamber constructed by my father as a gobar-gas plant long back. I made a passage for the chamber and with some finishing touches, it works as my bedroom, cozy during winters and cool during summers. Above this, I began constructing my home by working for about 2 hours a day laying bricks for raising walls and then covering walls with roofs.

I call this home as evolved to met my needs gradually. It has taken years and is still incomplete and evolving. But this evolution is not on its own, it needs to be engineered by me artificially. Therefore, technically it is not an evolution but a slow process of realization of needs and then designing constructing.

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