Thursday, June 11, 2015

Introversion is a Precious Asset of Personality

A so-called expert recently characterized ‘Introverts’ as those preferring less of stimulation from external sources. I differ with this perception of introversion, and would like to call it an attribute that stimulates the external environment to the least possible degree. The difference in the two perceptions is quite alarming, being the difference of preference of the person about inputs or outputs.
An introvert person does not like to project him/herself to others but likes to be contented with the self. Introversion is not related to the person’s interest in others but to interest in him/herself. Of course, this also results in his/her liking for minimal stimulation from the environment.
According to psychologists, one half to one third of persons of a society are introverts depending on their respective social cultures. Let us see here what is introversion and what it is not, to understand its significance in life.
Introverts often envy extroverts about their ways, and try to imitate to be like them. Anybody, trying to pose who he/she is not, is bound to fail. Whenever, an introvert imitates an extrovert, he/she fails and thus, entering a phase of losing self-confidence and cultivating a feeling of shame and inferiority complex in him/herself.
There is no person an introvert or an extrovert in absolute terms, but everyone is a mix of introversion and extroversion, with different individuals naturally gifted these traits in different proportions. One must cultivate in him/herself the attributes in which he/she is rich in.

What the introversion is Not
The Introversion is not shame, shyness, or suppression of one’s talent, as many extroverts would like to assume. Let us see some such negative traits are and their difference with introversion.
An important factor keeping some persons keeping away from sights of others is shame for a feeling of guilt for some mistake committed by them. However, if the person realizes his/her mistake and commits not to repeat it, there is no need of being ashamed about. We all may commit mistakes in-spite of our working with good intentions. Those who don’t work, commit no mistake but the blunder of not-working.
Introversion is not same as being ashamed for something about the self. However, a shame may make a person introvert, but an introvert is not necessarily ashamed of anything. Introversion, in itself, is not a shame.
Shyness is a fear of going wrong in front of others so, a shy person hesitates in presenting him/herself to others in general, but for no particular reason about his/her conduct. Shyness is born out of lack of self-confidence in the person and hence lack of contentment from the self. Introversion does not make a person deficient in self-confidence or contentment, but on the contrary, an introvert is more contented by the self that an extrovert who is dependent on others for contentment from the self.
Not Suppression of the Talent
Introversion is not suppression of one’s talents as most extroverts opine. Introverts show their talents using media which are quite different from those used by extroverts. For example, an extrovert is often a good orator while an introvert might be in another field like authorship, designing, invention, etc.
The art of extroversion has an essential component of impressing others – truly or falsely. There is no place for impressing others in an introvert’s agenda. His/her objective is to produce the desired results calmly. Therefore, while an extrovert reserves a big chunk of his/her energies for impressing others leaving less for the actual performance, while an introvert puts all his/her energy into the performance. The extroverts create apparent results fast but transient while introverts create slow yet long-lasting results.
Reading, studying, inventing, meditating, designing, thinking, cooking…or any number of other quiet and worthwhile activities are favorite pastimes of introverts while the extroverts spend most of their time and energies in talking.
The introverts don’t project or hide their talents, but keep on using it and leave it to others to appreciate rather than project these to impress others like the extroverts keep on doing. Thus, the introverts make better use of their capabilities than that by extroverts.

What the Introversion consists of
Introversion is a state of mind that is constituted of many other subordinate attributes of mind, such as modesty, creativity, scientific temper, etc.
Modesty is keeping reserve in front of elders as a display of respect to them. It used to be highly appreciated in women and expected from civilized women. This is now considered an old-fashioned trait complied by rural women in developing and under-developed societies. Modern and western-cultured women are allergic to this word, once considered to be an ornament of the women. In fact, modesty is an ornament for every human-being but not understood and appreciated by wild beasts.
Silent Creativity
Indeed, creativity is always silent, and its chosen home is introversion. Extroversion is an impediment to creativity. Most of the creative endeavors are from introverts only, however many of these are stolen by extroverts and projected as theirs. This has been the traditional job of extroverts.
Scientific Temper
As said in my previous article on comparative study of Art and Science, introverts are gifted with scientific temper better than extroverts. However, extroverts have a knack of materialization of scientific concepts. All scientific developments are gifts from introverts to the humanity with a majority of extroverts.

How Introverts and Extroverts Differ

Introverts have a world of their own different from that of the extroverts, for some exclusive differences between the two groups of people.
Thinking and Expressing
An extrovert often says before thinking and may repent later, while an introvert thinks before saying something to ensure not to go wrong. This is also indicative that introverts are more sensitive and sensible than the extroverts. Even then, extroverts manage their lives better than introverts are able to do for their wide gap in manovering capabilities.
Doing and getting things Done
Extroverts are better mangers than the performing creed of introverts. Therefore, while introverts can perform better than extroverts, but the extroverts know better how to get a thing done. This may be said to be better managing capability of extroverts.
Extroverts suffer from a psychosis of taking credit for others’ works, so are not liked by performers – mostly introverts. This develops a general disliking to an extrovert. For the same reason, performers prefer to work with and under introverts. This makes introverts to be better leaders than the extroverts.
Introverts prefer working in solitude, therefore, often fail in group working often organized in schools and training and appraisal exercises to enhance creativity and productivity in individuals through induction from others. Although, this may bring some introverts out from their cells of introversion, for most other introverts, such exercises prove detrimental sowing seeds of inferiority complex in them.
In a group environment, introverts fail to express their dissent even if they may have it. This leads to suppression of their feelings and may cause complications in personalities of introverts, such as shame or inferiority complex.
Usually, introverts are often considered inferior by extroverts, but the introverts have no negative feelings about themselves or the extroverts, hence are more humane and with positive outlook about others. The extroverts often suffer from superiority complex.

What Introverts must Realize
1.    Introversion is a better way of living in the sense that introverts keep their ultimate goal in focus while extroverts try to derive maximum benefits for themselves by dominating and exploiting others and their innovative ideas. Thus, introverts make better business leaders than the extroverts. In fact, most of the people prefer working under introverts rather than under extroverts. Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks and most of the world’s greatest philosophers have been introverts.
2.    Introverts are made for being creative rather than being productive. They must focus and remain limited to the field of their strength – the creativity.

3.    Everyone is an introvert to some degree as even an extrovert works through first being an introvert.

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